Stargate episodes as a template for Stargate Universe

Hi all,
I’m watching Stargate: Atlantis episode 504, and it has all the story elements for the main plot for Stargate Universe :

  • mysterious ship lost in space
  • ship jumps continuously on autopilot
  • they encounter unknown aliens firing on them
  • making a blind FTL jump and ending up on the surface of a sun.

I’m just saying: the Stargate production team were the same people (more or less) who cut their teeth doing the anthology series, The Outer Limits (if I’m not wrong). And copy & pasting story elements was something even Shakespeare did back in his day.

But copying & pasting story elements within the same franchise? Someone tell me I’m wrong & reading too much into this?

That’s one of my favorite episodes. I think it’s a great one to show someone who isn’t sure if they’ll like Stargate. Except for all the backstory needed to really appreciate it. And the lack of a stargate :slight_smile:

I think in 300 episodes, you’d be hard pressed to not find one that matches the basic plot of most any TV show out there.

And for all we know, they had pitched a Universe like spinoff and got turned down, so they turned it into this episode. Then a couple years later the network was all, “Hey, remember that spinoff you pitched…?” It happened to Douglas Adams and Doctor Who. He wrote an episode that they didn’t air, turned it into Dirk Gentley’s Detective Agency, and then about 10 years ago they turned his script into a web series. The similarities were astonishing to someone who didn’t know the truth.

Yeah, from what I understand, SGU was already in development then.

It’s starting to make sense now. Thanks guys!