Stargate Atlantis 415 & 416 Outcast & Trio

Well Ava’s gone.

Thank you.

The Ex came through.
Now she understands.

And Bill’s Terminator and Lord of the Rings references gave John an idea.

nice Terminator reference…

Neutronium - go get that Replicator.

Love the Terminator and Lord of the Ring references!!

He’s really strong -
And so is she.

Nice fight scene.

Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.

Decaying orbit to burn him up in the atmosphere? Nice.

So much for him.

Bates doesn’t disappoint in his jerkiness.

Brilliant idea Sheppard.
Ava can have a life.

Moriarty solution? Nice.

And they recovered one of the Ancient stasis pods like from the Aurora?

Where are they? Doesn’t look like the SGC.

Meanwhile back at the old homestead…

Start Trio on the hour?

Looked like a ship?

Three of the people in this picture will be the main characters in the next episode.

Your’s ??
Very cool :smiley:

Yeah, I was cleaning out the cabinets above my computer desk a couple weeks ago.

And yes, start on the hour.