Stargate Atlantis 319 & 320 Vengeance & First Strike

“Then I’d be The Man, and what would I have to rage against?” :smiley:

Yeah, Ellis. It’ll take the Replicators a whole week or two to rebuild those ships.

I would think the constant beam won’t be hurt as much by the water.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s your call.” :smiley:

"As much as I hate to say it, Zelenka’s not infallible. " :smiley:

Nice recognition that Ronon and Telya are only slightly less helpful in science situations than Rodney is in combat situations.

And at least that wasn’t another Batman reference.

“Why do you get to be Mr. Fantastic?” :smiley:

Um, why does Lorne have a Daedalus patch on his flightsuit instead of an Apollo or Atlantis patch?

I thought it was a city not a yo-yo, Rodney. Sure acting more like a yo-yo this episode.

They sure seem to be playing up disagreements between Weir and Earth this episode. Wonder if that could be foreshadowing something.

I think it’s gone beyond “foreshadowing” and into the realm of “hinting broadly”.

Half expected a “No place like home” reference there.

The shield makes surfacing look a bit less cool than it did in the pilot.

And hope you don’t get burn-through on the asteroid before the shield comes back up.

I think that goes a bit beyond “don’t need any help”, Ronon.

And somehow, they changed orientation relative to their direction of travel.

Except for the couple big effects sequences, this was pretty much a bottle show. They had 3 main guest stars, but two of them were in a combined total of 3 scenes. and only used the standing sets.