Stargate Atlantis 319 & 320 Vengeance & First Strike

They got a lot easier to kill at the end here.

“I was thinking blow it up, but your idea’s better.” :smiley:

That is one big bug.

And where’s the dart? OK, at least they explained it this time.

Would have been nice if they had spaced out their horror episodes a bit more.

I’m pretty sure they weren’t all that satisfied with their Iratus-Man costumes since we never got all that good a shot of one.

Yay, Dr. Keller. :slight_smile:

Why did he hand her his entire tablet rather than just a flash drive or something like that?

So, he means NOW…

The Apollo? Wasn’t the Daedalus on it’s way last episode?

Guess he wasn’t kidding about being right down.

Yeah, because surgical strikes never ever backfire.

Especially those with nukes.

He stole the chair too.

Or maybe they’re headed for the Wraith. Did you ever think of that?

Surprisingly frank discussion between McKay and Zelenka. No snark at all.

Almost time to see what they saved money for the entire season.

That sequence was well done.

And on a cable TV budget too.

“Space battles are always a lot more exciting on TV than in real life.” :smiley:

Gate-transmitted superlaser? Ouch.

OK, Ellis had that one coming.