Stargate Atlantis 309 & 310 Phantoms & The Return Part 1

April12, 2014

10:00PM – Phantoms
“Yes,Rodney, I shot you and I said I was sorry!”

11:00PM – The Return Part 1
“General,I’m quite fond of both maidens and voyages.”

Bump for now

Habited isn’t a word John


Things aren’t looking so good.

Super soldier? Nice callback to SG-1

Interesting way to get some backstory for John

“I’m sorry for shooting everyone!” :smiley:

Nice glossing over why the ZPM was drained.

Wonder if everyone else calls it the Carter-McKay Gate Bridge


Where could they park a Jumper at the SGC?

Ancients are dicks

Sorry I’m so late. A friend of mine wants to see the new Captain America movie but hadn’t seen the first one yet. So of course, I had to fix that, and it took longer than I thought.

“And I can’t leave this galaxy until every last Wraith is dead.” :smiley: That might take a while

Good reason at least. Saw Winter Soldier again this afternoon.

At about 22 minutes in Return Part 1 if toy need a time check

Nice touch with Rodney going over the city’s problems before handing it over.

“talks…and talks and talks…” : D

Liz is looking very casual.

We’ll that didn’t work.

Cadman reference!

So, Liz has NORAD programmed into her cell phone?