Stargate Atlantis 307 & 308 Common Ground & McKay and Mrs. Miller

Very trusting of John here. I expected him to point the gun at Todd for at least a couple seconds.

Why did Todd break the guy’s neck instead of feeding on him?

Kinda looks like my uncle Jimmy :smiley:

Expediency? Or he was too full from the last guy?

“He likes me more than he likes you.” :smiley:

Probably expediency. They heal better the more recently they’ve fed.

With the mood he’s in, they could probably skip the jumper and just send Ronon in with just a dull knife and he’d handle everything himself.

Thought that was a double feeding for a second there.

If they weren’t expecting Genii reinforcements for an hour, Atlantis should have stayed dialed in to keep Kolya’s group from escaping.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about humans.” Nice parallel there.

Forgot to mention that Todd is played by the same actor who plays Halling. I really don’t mind in this case because Todd is a far more memorable character and the makeup makes it hard to see the similarity.

Odd place to open an episode.

Did she seriously not have a pen accessible? :slight_smile:

Yeah, because of the heavy makeup I decided to forgo my usual rant about reusing guest stars :smiley:

When the spirit moves you…

OK, I guess there technically was a SG-1 crossover. Not significant to a SG-1 episode though.

Kind of a trend with him. On Sanctuary, he played 2 characters in the same scene and you wouldn’t notice it if you didn’t know.

So, his sister is played by his sister? How very meta.

Notice the last name of the first guest star that was mentioned. :wink:

In Hot Zone, McKay was scripted to mention a brother, but David got them to change it in hopes of just that happening.

Love McKay’s niece’s reaction to him.