Stargate Atlantis 303 & 304 - Irresistible & Sateda

Wraithbringer? That doesn’t sound good.

Oh, and the arrow. Got a good scene coming up. :smiley:

Only one tranq dart to take Ronon down? That’s surprising.

His masters? Oh crap.

And now Rodney is high :smiley:

And here we go. Great comedy scene

Nice character building with Ronon here. Willing to sacrifice himself to save his friends.

And they didn’t use their usual male Wraith actor for this one.

Surprised the Wraith left Ronon’s Gun of Badassery.

Hmm, doesn’t seem like a roof would be a good place to be.

Wraith Minion 1 has been deployed for his training exercise. That’ll go well for him. :wink:

“Must be a real pain in the ass.”
“How long did you work on that?” :smiley:

Wonder why they never followed up on those other Runners until one ran into them.

“Longer than I care to admit” :smiley:

“You say that as if we’re always getting in trouble.”

Well, John, there’s a reason for that.

Wonder if they reused some of the flashback stuff from Runner or just reshot it and added the new stuff.

Waste of a grenade there. Should have just shot the camera drone.

Nice to see some of him from before everything.

But then we wouldn’t have gotten the dramatic backlit walking-away-from-the-explosion shot.

Could have done it at the end of this fight scene instead.

Nice little scene between John and Teyla there.

Wonder if this is the hospital where his wife worked.

Looks like.