Stargate Atlantis 215 & 216 - The Tower & The Long Goodbye

[b]December 14, 2013

10:00 PM – The Tower
“They can’t all be planets with cool technology and open minded women.”

11:00 PM – The Long Goodbye
“I would just like to state, for the record, that it is astounding to me that I find myself once again in the position of having to save this city when you and your…space marines can’t figure out how to track down two people!”

Bump for tonight.

Yeah, I’d say that qualifies as a tower. And a rather familiar one. :slight_smile:

Not particularly likely to make John more willing to work with them.

Yup, that looks familiar…

How would they have moved the Chair into the gateroom without more understanding of the technology than they obviously have?

They give half their harvest to the Tower to be kept safe from a threat they haven’t seen in years? That sucks.

Oh my!

Yeah, that got John’s attention.

So a medieval geneticist? That’s an interesting career.

So the inbreeding is taking its toll on this planet.

Nice presumption, Rodney.

Hey, a puddle jumper!

Honestly he’s right, introducing the ATA gene therapy would probably cause a civil war.

Lots and lots of drones.

That’s a lot of drones. And Atlantis drones too, not Jumper ones (which I’m guessing they still have a supply of on Atlantis).

Yeah, that’s going to go well for you, Constable.

Or not.

“there has been an…altercation.”

Nice auxiliary control set. I don’t think we ever saw it again, unfortunately.

That seems like an excessive number of drones. But the drone that destroyed the shack seemed a bit underpowered compared to the single Jumper drone that took out a Ha’tak in SG-1.

That was a quick poison.