Stargate Atlantis 213 & 214 - Critical Mass & Grace Under Pressure

November 23, 2013

10:00 PM – Critical Mass
“Dr. Kavanaugh? Stop talking, please.”

11:00 PM – Grace Under Pressure
“So my own hallucination is saying no to me?”

Bump for tonight.

I love Rodney throwing the bad job off to Radek.

Despite other various guest appearances and cameos, this is the closest we ever get to a true crossover episode. Well this and Pegasus Project on the SG-1 side.

101 Dalmatians reference?

Yeah, followed by a more recent reference.

Yeah, Hermiod’s even less likely to take Kavanaugh’s crap than anyone else.

Was the closeup on the shaking hand really necessary?

“That doesn’t sound pleasant.”

No kidding, Ronon.

That’s a questionable decision from Liz.

Hadn’t occurred to me until now that he wouldn’t know what a Goa’uld is.

You’d think the Athosians would have something a bit more substantial to live in after over a year.

That was either great planning or an AI virus like the one the Daedalus got from the Wraith.

“Strength” was probably a better word choice.

Sounded like Kavanaugh almost made a rather sexist comment.

And this is really Rachel singing.

Hmmm…can’t decide if that’s really her singing (on the track, she’s clearly lip-syncing)

Would have been nice if they’d teased this twist a bit more.

And I wonder how long he’s been a Goa’uld.

“I now possess the strength of many men.”

“It’ll be a fair fight then.” :smiley:

Nice follow up with Carson and Cadman there.
And of course Radek’s second appearance.