You named him Rodney, right?
“She knows I’m from Earth, Son. It’s not a secret.”
Nice touching bit after the humor of the rest of Rodney’s stuff.
At least we know the message got through.
And here are the Sam and Walter appearances in Season 1. SGU Season 2 is the only season of the entire franchise they didn’t appear in.
Oh yeah, this is Kate’s first appearance.
Always there? Hmmm…
I’m guessing it’s more than just anxiety…
“the magic Ancient device hasn’t lied yet.”
Yeah, I’d say that counts as weird.
Teyla’s getting very sleepy…
This seems like a really bad idea.
Yeah, really bad idea.
“what happened?”
Well, to start, you were possessed…
Dun dun dun…
Next week, time to take a little trip in a Jumper on SG-1.