Stargate Atlantis 105 & 106 - Suspicion & Childhood's End

[b]May 11, 2013

[/b]10:00 PM - Suspicion
“Wonder what hurts more, the gunshot wound or the hunger? I’d love to help out but, how’d McKay put it? We can’t meet your dietary requirements.”

11:00 PM - Childhood’s End
“Listen, kiddies, everything you believe is wrong, and trust us because we’ve been here for almost an hour.”

Bump for tonight.

Five encounters out of nine missions. This is one time when you don’t want a high batting average…

Hey, look at that! The jumper bay opens up!

Sorry, completely lost track of time. I’ll catch up in a second.

Hey, no problem. sorry for missing last week entirely. I should have arrived and been checked into my hotel room in Indianapolis in plenty of time to join, but US Airways had other ideas.

I completely understand. I had a 5 hour delay on my trip home from the Meetup.

Also, I’ll be out of town next weekend.

Getting the Athosians to the mainland would be a pain. A Jumper can hold what, 10 people counting the pilot? That’s a lot of trips.

“Anthropologist fascinating or actual fascinating?”

Not sure if this is where you are, but should be close.

I’m a couple minutes ahead, but probably close enough.

Only one Athosian knew about this mission…but why would she call an ambush down on herself? The Sergeant’s reasoning doesn’t make any sense.

Bates is a dick, but he does have a valid point.

If the Wraith knew she was the one feeding them the information, they’d probably know not to harm her. And given that the Expedition was starting to get suspicious, this would be her way to get away from them.

“How could I know that? What am I, Answer Man?” :smiley:

What even made them think Tasers would be effective on Wraith?

You know, this is really where Zats would have come in handy.

I love John baiting the Wraith there.

Yeah, same old Rodney.

But apparently they had enough power to retract the drive pods.

Usually when somebody says, “We’re going down.” I get excited, but not when we are flying