StarCrash (1979) - David Hasselhoff light saber action!

I was just browsing for movies to Netflix and I found an old scifi film called “StarCrash” - I watched the trailer and the plot seemed to be a blatant rip-off of Star Wars, so I was about to close the browser window and never think about it again, when I saw the best that scifi B-movies have to offer:

a) hot, almost-nude chicks with big futuristic rifles and

b) David Hasselhoff with a light saber! :slight_smile:

Check it out!


and more light saber action:


Has anyone seen this? Is it worth watching just for its B qualities?

I bought this just for fun. It was terrible! Probably the second-worst movie I ever saw. Worse than Return to the Blue Lagoon, but with an incredibly hot female lead! And half-naked amazons!

Wait. I thought Germans love David Hasselhof…

Depends on the age group. I most certainly grew up with re-runs of Knight Rider and Baywatch in the early 90s and so did all of my friends and we’re all still totally digging The Hoff, even after all those years, he’s a cult figure among my generation. In fact, the very first record I bought was “Crazy for you” by DH! That was in '89 or '90, I think and I was five and that was also the only vinyl I ever owned, right before CDs started getting really big here.

As far as StarCrash is concerned, if Hasselhoff would have played the male leading role instead of that other guy, the dorky fake-Hasselhoff, the movie would have been much better and The Hoff even almost saves the movie with his tiny appearance at the end. If they had turned the robot with the dixie accent into a ship’s computer with red LED lights and given Hasselhoff the leading role, this could have been Knight Rider in space and would have been awesome! (There would have been no need to also lose the amazon women, though, some weird plot device could have explained their presence)