Oh, snap. I know one more things that’s on my Christmas list.
Knowing how everyone seems to turn nostalgic for their Star Wars toys, or lack thereof, as a kid, I thought this starter collection might prove an interesting way to catch up/relive a childhood. It’s one massive sale, and I wish they would be posted in small lots with descriptions of each item, etc. Oh well… Interesting enough to keep checking to see how much it goes for in the end.
If forum members are interested in tracking down vintage Star Wars toys I highly recommend the Rebel Scum Forum http://threads.rebelscum.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=UBB29
If your just looking for loose figures Ebay is the way to go. Main characters can be anywhere from $8 to $50. Background characters run under $10. Only thing to watch out for is repro weapons.
I spent way to much money at conventions and collectible stores. Ebay would have saved me a small fortune.
I wish I had $35k to spend on that collection! (Then again, I open all of my figures, so whether they’re carded or not doesn’t much matter to me.)
Ok, why do you think this person is dumping all this stuff?
- Girlfriend told them to.
- Wife told them to.
- Their mom kicked them out of her basement.
- They want to start a BSG collection.
What do you think?
Well I think our friend has discovered he can buy a CAR with the money he’ll make. With a car he can:
- GET a girlfriend
- Turn that girlfriend into a wife
- Move out of his mom’s basement
- Still start a BSG collection, albeit with a little less…enthusiasm.
My theory is that he’s going into witness protection and as a result cannot guarantee the collection safety.
A sound theory… I support it!
For the most jaw dropping Star Wars collection, look no further than Lucasfilm’s very own Steve Sansweet. He’s very cool with the fans and he’s written a couple books, one just came out- the Star Wars Vault, which is a must own with all sorts of reproductions of coolness.http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Vault-Treasures-Memorabilia/dp/0061257311/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1197613757&sr=8-1
- Click “exclusives”
- Click the red arrow next to the Clone Wars bit
- Click “Visits to Rancho Obi Wan”
Here’s a posting on steampunk Star Wars Action figure mods at /film.
(Its got links to a steampunk flux capaciter and a full sized R2D2 too.)
Also, got some catalogs in the mail that had some fun stuff:
Hammacher Schlemmer has, among other things:
An R2D2 aquarium,
(as well as the voice activated R2D2, neon Lightsabers, Star Wars Battleship and other cool junk)
And of course ThinkGeek has a gillion things, like Star Wars kites, plush dolls, tiny RC R2s, Vader & R2 USB hubs, and the R2 trash can (that someone modded into a Dalek-D2).
The Force Trainer (expected to be priced at $90 to $100) comes with a headset that uses brain waves to allow players to manipulate a sphere within a clear 10-inch-tall training tower…
This is so on my Christmas list for next year.
I saw this. It’s a bio-feedback machine at heart, which is cool enough in its own right.
But that kid creeps me the frak out. It’s like a young, hermaphrodite Fred Savage.
I was wondering what was so scary about that kid.
As a half-chinese, I’ve just got 2 things to say about this :
[li]Tai Chi
[/li][li]Chi Kung
heheh… although I’m personally interested in taking up Ki-Aikido myself