Star Wars: The Old Republic Trailer

New trailer for The Old Republic and while I have no idea how this relates to the gameplay (or if it even does), I think it’s primary purpose is to get my hopes and excitement level extraordinarily high.

My only problem is that I could do without all the 300-esque moments of action in slow-motion. But that aside, I literally got chills when all those red lightsabers fired up in the dark.

Damn you, Bioware!

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crap–between this and the Sims game and Mass effect enxt year–Im never leaving my damn house

Yea. I am already planning on buying a Desktop for this game. My lap top is good but its not quite strong enough and the key board is just a little to small

After seeing the trailer I’m doing the same thing. I will be buying a new pc in the future just to play this game. My laptop is fine for The Sims and Civilization but there is no way it could handle this game.

actually…that scene alone is better than most of the prequels…

Indeed it does…just so ya know we have a thread going up in the Games and Toys thread.

I may or may not have flapped my hands and made screamy chicken-ish noises when I heard they were announcing the smuggler class.

The trailer was awesome, and the video diaries on the official SW:TOR website are giving me great hope that this’ll be a Star Wars MMORPG done right! oldmanfist at Galaxies

So dissapointing its an MMO

Dont be to disparaged yet there Boxy. From what they say its going to have a radical departure from most MMO’s in the fact that this is one is going to be heavily story based. In fact there is supposed to be a separate story for each character class. So it seems like it might almost be multiple games for the price of one (and you know the monthly fee…)

I just watched the trailer again thanks to G4 OnDemand and I wanted to see if anyone else noticed the striking resemblance of the armor worn by the Sith to Revan’s armor? The first thing that popped into my head when the first Sith in the shuttle lit the lightsaber was holy frak, that looks like Revan.

that’s what I thought too but it doesn’t really fit the light side ending

kotor spoilers

if you chose to be good, wasn’t the whole thing that Revan ‘went off to fight the true Sith’ or stop them or some sort? I guess the trailer would make sense if you chose the Dark Side, but then on the same hand the mask isn’t really Revan’s it’s just similar

plus I think we all know Revan wouldn’t have needed the backup if he felt like wiping out an entire Jedi temple :slight_smile:


you can hide spoilers by typing the code [spoiler] hhhh [/spoile] (add thge final r to the second spoiler) it will cover the spoiler with a box you have to highlight to reveal it.

So it looks like this

[spoiler] Well this one takes place 300 years after the second KOTOR game…which while not being out of the realm of possibility for the right force power most humans don’t live quite that long [/spoiler]

That’s true but I think the resemblance might be there on purpose. Thanks to Drew K. and the KOTOR comics Revan is the most influential Sith from that era. The Sith keep trying to imitate Revan but none of them were able to pull it off.

I also thought the Sith walking into the Jedi Temple resembled Malak to an extent. I love that Bioware is obviously making nods to KOTOR in TOR, which is the main reason I’m so excited about it.

All I want to say is that was a damn good trailer.

Bumping this for two reasons:

  1. Because it was just nominated for a VES award for best trailer
  2. There are some poor schmucks out there who haven’t seen it yet. :slight_smile:

Now thats how you fall a republic.
Screw shadow lurking and double dealing.
I like this guys hands on approach.

Ok so I watched the trailer again…and I thought I noticed something very interesting…

When the sith lord kicks a Jedi, the sound it made was very familiar.
Had a certain annoyance to it.
I listened again and again, and looked closely…

Its a gungan.

Obviously not canon since there were no gungan jedi (at least that Ive ever heard of). But anyone else think it was just thrown in there as a little fun jab at our good friend jarjar?

This is taking place thousands of years before the movies. A lot can be forgotten in that sort of time.

The new SW: The Old Republic trailer from E3 has leaked.


Why can’t this be a movie??

I just saw that trailer and was about to post it. Frakking nice trailer. The Jedi was awesome.