Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Maybe Obi-Wan meant he was instructed as a Youngling by Yoda as we see him teach the group when Obi-Wan needs his help in Attack of the Clones. :wink:

I would like a commentary track of your daughter’s comments! lol

scruffy looking nerf herder!

lazerbrain hehe

“This is gross! That’s his brother!!” --'talos family

Look how proud Luke is, getting a full-on mouth kiss from his sister. :eek:

Finally Full-blown Imperial March!!! :cool:

yay! imperial theme! muwahahaha EVIL

I love that shot of Vader’s head gazing out into space. Classic.

Compensating much, Lord Vader?

It’s young Grand Maester Pyrcelle!! :eek:

“Turn it off!!!” :smiley:

Don’t tell me you’ve never seen it before.

[[b]Tauntaun Sleeping Bag


“That’s a nice shiny helmet.” --mrs. 'talos

Laughter ensued.

Look! It’s the really old guy in Game of Thrones!!

I love Vader’s space egg. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why did Leie need to do the briefing? Well, maybe so some female character gets something to do.

“You are in command now.”

Uh, no, thanks. I’m good. :rolleyes:

“You have failed me for the last time.”

Alright show of hands, who wouldn’t love to be able to Force choke?

raises hand

“Look! Vader is multi-tasking.” --mrs. 'talos

Space is still so big around Hoth. Why are about 10 Star Destroyers enough for a blockade to prevent the Rebels from escaping?

Of course. Does it come with authentic smell?

Hivemind Nr. 1

Hivemind Nr. 2

Weeeedge, Savor of the Universe!! :slight_smile: