So, Padme digs leering, creepy guys.
Well, I won’t judge. We all have fetishes.
So, Padme digs leering, creepy guys.
Well, I won’t judge. We all have fetishes.
“Only the Dark Lord knows of our weakness.”
What weakness? Please explain.
When Padme shows up after Anakin’s nightmare, my wife said, “Oh. I always look like that when I get out of bed.”
Kids, don’t try these stunts at home. It’s all CGI magic. You could not possible hold another falling person with one arm without going over the edge yourself. And you could not hold on, in the rain, to a rope as you fell.
Anakin just found Shmi. This is touching and heartbreaking. Well played scene.
There needed to be more repercussions for this. Anakin starts down the path here but then…nothing. According to the Jedi, once you start down the path it will consume you. Anakin jumps in and out of Dark side.
Yoda knows and they do nothing but fear him and chastise him.
There should have been a trial or something to investigate what Anakin had done.
Artoo to the rescue. He retrieves the transmission.
It’s obvious that the midipoopieians have gone to Anakin’s head. The kid can’t handle it. If Lucas decided to go science with the Force why not show or at least explain that Anakin goes insane from too much midipoopieians?
I don’t want to Lucas bash. I respect the guy for all he has achieved and contributed.
I just view these films with so many missed opportunities. The music: Wonderful. The production: Amazing. The writing: Poor. The concept and outline works ok, it just misses so much.
I fell like a broken record. So many folks have said the same. If it is so frustrating, why do you watch? It’s fun. It’s Star Wars.
Look at this. No one is around, so I’m talking to myself. I’m cracking.
I think I seriously have to write these prequels. I think if I create ones that are satisfactory to me, I can move on.
Way to go Jar Jar, give away Poland. Um…I mean the Republic.
The forced comedy does not work. Threepio was totally unneeded in this film.
Artoo on the other hand, saves everyone’s collective arse.
“Don’t move Jedi. Take him away.”
Why? Just shoot him. Be over with it.
“Before we die, I want you to know.”
Anakin you should have threatened your lives before. Padme is obviously a freak.
So Padme can pick a lock. And Palpy is always using the Force to remove handcuffs. Naboo must be a kinky place.
This arena battle is fun and entertaining.
This is crazy. All these Jedis and droids. CGI Madness. Madness.
Mace meet Jango.
Clean up. Aisle 3.
Soft shell crab will now be served compliments of Obi-wan.
Yoda brings the Clone Calvary.