Star Wars Ep.5: The Empire Strikes Back

R2 reminds me of WallE

If the weather is fine, why not? We’re a nature-loving people.

Yoda is a Hobbit! It is all starting to make sense!

I have a recipe for root leaf if anyone wants it. :smiley:

The kind of Hobbit you can eat?

the scary thing is–he’s not kidding

Look who’s talking! :smiley:

He probably has Yoda’s original recipe

This is one of my favorite speeches in the Saga. Pretty much all the Yoda training sequences in this movie.

I am confused.:confused:

if fear is the path to the dark side, why does yoda sound so sly when he tells luke he “will be” afraid?

Wasn’t that a dreadfully cheesy movie with John Travolta that also featured talking sperm?

Yoda’s “you will be” always strikes me as laughable.

yeah, but I’ve been here since september

Star Wars cookbook. :stuck_out_tongue:

yes, exactly–and out of character

See what I mean? YOU probably KNOW what underwear Leia is wearing in this movie!!!

Ah, and doesn’t Yoda sometimes sound like Splinter from the old live-action Turtles movies?

wasn’t he? :wink:




Well if you go by the prequels… He probably realizes that not talking about fear is what brought the Jedi down.