Star Wars Ep.3: Revenge of the Sith

I’m in–may be a bit distracted at first–5th set wimbledon final

da dun da da dun dun :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s OK, me too. As I mentioned in the previous frak party… um… I sing along with the score.


This is the best SW battle ever!!!

Hey Lady D!

Go Nadal!

And I love your new avatar, the stormtrooper Hello Kitty is divine.

Pretty lights in the sky! It’s better than the 4th of July… :wink:

space battle. 2nd. i like the last battle in Ep 6.

lol. well it depends what fireworks u saw. :smiley: :smiley:

Master… I still haven’t learned how to act.

Ha, ha, I was going to say it’s the best SPACE battle, too.

Because the saber fights count as battles, right?

I’ve been dying for Rafa to beat Fed

i would think.

Wow so imagine you’re on the surface of Coruscant and you look up. How awesome would that view be?

lol I just noticed the icon. Nice one D

Go R2 U Got That Buzz Droid!!!

Go r2!! .

thanks, reminded me of Audra

Ooooo General needs a coupgh drop.

Seriously that whole ‘explanation’ of where Palpatine must be is kinda weak.