Star Wars Ep.3: Revenge of the Sith

Well, I can’t take credit for Anton Chekhov’s brilliance. It is a pretty good point, though, and he expressed it about the best anyone has. :slight_smile:

That would’ve worked, too. It just needed to be part of the premise of the film – not an afterthought thrown in half-way through.

Naturally. I’ve just never heard anyone express it in its reverse corollary.

Now, I havn’t been on the forum in a while. So are we doing these in order or not? If not i say we should deff have a star wars episode 3 frak party.

we did episode I yesterday to prepare for the upcoming podcast. ep. 3 should be in 2 weeks if we continue

Yeah, episode 2 should be next Sunday A.D.

Don’t forget to join in!
And if you’re interested, check out the previous frak parties for Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace.

The frak party will begin at:

4:00Pm Eastern time zone.

3:00Pm Central time zone.

2:00Pm Mountain time zone.

1:00Pm pacific Time zone

12:00 Alaska

10:00Am Hawaii

Casilda, you rock!! I am actually looking forward to watching it tomorrow and seeing Darth Vader take his first breath.

You do rock, casilda!! and you even put up links so everyone will be in on the Count Dooku’s broom commentary!!

ya its gonna be good!

I’m looking forward to the movie as well. I had a bad day today and this just might cheer me up.

Aw thanks everyone. :slight_smile:

ROTS is totally going to cheer you up. Seriously. Even when I start crying when Padme is trying to convince Anakin to come back when they’re on Mustafar.

Either way, we’ll be having fun!

well i guess we should all get gathering together.

I’m here, the DVD’s all set…

here’s a random question: Which DVD menu did you get? This time I have the menu that is from the perspective of Palpatine’s office looking out on a nighttime Coruscant with the Emperor’s theme and him saying “Know the power of the Dark Side.”

i belive i have the same 1. just say when to start.

I believe it is 4? I’m starting it now.

A long time ago…

gasp where is every1?

The people trickle in ShadowAce, no worries.

And hey, there are 3 of us. That is more than enough for a party!

I LOVE THIS OPENING SCENE. i swear i know every word.