Star Wars Ep.2: Attack of the Clones

Meesa thinkin’ right you are, hmm.

I wonder when ya’ll are gonna start throwing the rotten vegetables at me but I liked it.


Yeah you heard me! I liked it.

Okay, let me qualify that statement. I liked the direction the movie went. I loved the end. I loved the Geonosis battle. I nearly burst a capilary squeeing over the Yoda/Dooku fight. We got our first really really good look at Coruscant here (yes more than the overhead view we got in I and the end scene in the special cut of XI). The extension of the Jedi powers in this one was great, it was nice to see that Jedi weren’t all cut from the same mold, some were more specialized in other things. And I think that the legion of fan boys out there that fell in love with Aayla Secura will probably agree with me that the introduction of all the new Jedi was great.

But there were sucktacular points too. For gods sake please somone tell Lucas to put the crack pipe down if he thinks he can actually convince people that dialogue like that is romantic…on ANY planet. Jar Jar…well yeah, I think the name is now synonymous with suck.

But going from my list, I’d say the good outweighs the bad.

prepares to be pelted again

Previous “The Phantom Menace” Frak party

The frak party will begin at:

4:00Pm Eastern time zone.

3:00Pm Central time zone.

2:00Pm Mountain time zone.

1:00Pm pacific Time zone

12:00 Alaska

10:00Am Hawaii

8 minutes till the movie starts.

Finishing off the podcast. Will start the movie a few mins behind.

Checking in… the movie is queued, 5 minutes to go…

This movie is one of the worst I have ever seen. It nearly killed my love for Star Wars. It just barely rates ahead of “Bridge of Dragons” and that strange Japanese movie I watched, which had cyborg ninjas that walked around like spiders. Despite all that, I am going to TRY to be constructive with my criticism and point out the two scenes I did like. Or was it one? I can’t remember; I repressed most of this movie in my mind.

By the way, I HATE SAND!

Let the Sand loathing begin. :smiley:

I don’t hate the movie… I actually really liked it when it came out. What can I say, opinions change over time…

And here it goes…

Pretty Coruscant… I do like that opening shot with the planet above them

So Padme’s a pilot too? Because that never really made sense to me.

kabloeey! cue oh no! my decoy served her purpose! drama!

I think it was Anakin that killed this movie for me. A little bit of whining? That’s okay, but whining for an entire 2 hour movie? A bit much for me.

Ugh, the Dark Side clouds everything? Right, in front of your face, Jedi peeps…

Wassup y’all. I just checked in and saw a frak party going on.

I had much hope riding on this film. It didn’t totally disappoint. To quote everyone’s favorite Pike. Meh. The arena battle with mucho Jedi. It was all the romance that doesn’t dance stuff. That was the problem.

BOOM! So much for no danger.

me too, definitely whiny Ani

I remember loving the Yoda shots. He looked awesome.

Anakin is totally whiny, but I have to admit that Hayden Christiansen’s pretty hot. Eye candy can compensate for a lot…

Though on second thought, 19-year-olds can be whiny. But so can people at any age.

A long time ago…

talos!! glad you could join us for this one