Star Wars Character as BSG Characters

This idea came from ShadowAces discussion on the Empire Strikes back thread. Pick a character from Star Wars and see who he/she/it resembles in the BSG verse. Or vice versa. Ready? GO!!


Helo: He and Luke share a similar state of cluelessness. She’s a Cylon Helo! It’s a trap Luke!

Lee: “Whaaaaah.” Luke: “Whaaaah.”

Starbuck: Both have some decent flying and fighting skills.

Palpitine: Looking out for number 1. Baltar: Looking out for number 1.

Jar Jar Binks and Baltar: Both unwittingly stumbling from catastrophe to catastrophe, all the while screwing over thousands of people.

Anakin and Baltar: Both blame everyone else and are whiny, but still manage hook up with beautiful women/cylon, or in the case of Anakin, just Padme.


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