I have been hearing diaapointment in the new Uhura… I dont get it.
SHe was really skillful ( off camera… I’m taking her word for it. At least they said that she had skills, instead of showing her fail like our Uhura (ST6) ).
Let’ examine the old Uhurah and compare and contrast.
I think we have to seperate the importance of Nichele Nicoles as a cast memeber ( the effects her presence on the show had to some people because of the actress’s race and gender) , and , and the intelligence and skill level of the fictional character Uhurah.
If somone tells me that Ms. Nichols mere presence in the TOS inspires them, I can see that. Sometimes feeling left out of the world can be a drag, and just looking up and seeing a kindred spirit can be inspireing. I get that. That actress being there in the background ( 90% of the time) was better than no woman ( althou there was always a woman in that spot…like 100% of the time.) or no Black person. So don’t think I don’t get that part of the Uhura mythos.
That being said, If someone tell me that her character , Uhurah, did something ( in cannon) that showed a skill level above and beyond what is expected from any character and thatshe impessed them… I laugh in their faces. If “Uhura (the character… not her race or gender) inspired you…well it must not take much” I will back this up… and it won’t be a lawyer talk, or fixed figures. It’s simple.
Let’s examine the old Uhurah (Canon only) :
Uhura, BTW has no name in cannon other than Uhura until JJA 2009 movie. So how important was she to the trek writers?
1)Our Uhurah answerd the phone ( exactly as proficient as the “blonde of the week” that did it in the few episodes Nicholes was missing).
2)Usualy she put hailing mesg’s on the screen ( but sometimes Sulu and checkov did that. So for these skills we must grade her character as: Basicly proficient in her duties as a communications officer.
3) Ok she was the head of the communications department on the flagship of the federation for three different 5 year missions as well as being an Academy instructor(and unless you are an extreme trkkie who reads a lot of non-canon stuf, you might not even get this point. it’s not spelled out for you)
. Ok… this seems great. But we never see any skills that she has. We just have to assume that based on her position and rank, that she is skillful… althou we never see it. She aparently can teach others to push the right buttons and be a mentor… but we don’t see any of it demonstrated. 4) She does exactly 3 things well in the movies.
a) She pulls a gun on a douchebag officer and transorts Kirk and company to the enterprise. (st3TS4Sk) anybody could do it, but she get’s points for her willingness to throw away her carreer for it.
b) She and checov beam aboard the Navy ship. Anybody could have done it… and most could have done it better. No points for that.
c) She danced naked to lure men to get captured in St:V. gets a few points for that.
- She is incompatant beyond forgivness as the communications officer. she has NO linguistic ability in the language of the PRIMARY ENEMY OF THE FEDERATION!!! She is comicly dragging out books, and doing a poor job. Only the stupidity of the Klingon keeps her from sealing the Enterprise’s fate.
Ok the contrast. The Old Uhurah showed NO skills beyond singing in TOS or the movies. She jsut has a willingness to help her buddies.
The NEW uhurah is proficient in alien languages. and has a stronger personality at a younger age.
My question… what thing did old Uhurah do that this Uhurah didn’t surpass that had anything to do with her job. Singing doesn’t count! (Don’t say old uhurah didn’t flirt or fratranize… cause in mantrap she almost bed’s the salt vampir that was poseing as an enlisted crewman…and in ST 5 she and Scotty are about to Bone on the bridge.)
PLUS this uhura is hotter, which was the purpose of uhura in the first place. New Uhura is Hotter, showed more profeciancy in her occupation, and took up more % screen time in this movie than old uhurah did in ANY of her. PLUS her first name wasn’t cannon until this movie. If Ggving her a name wasn’t more character development than TOS and TOS movies… what is!
This charcter that wasn’t a part of the important 3 ( Spock, Bones, and Kirk) got more time on screen than she ever had… and was cooler. It is unreasonable to expect more. It’s like getting mad a BSG episode for only haveing 10% screen time for Tori or Racetrack.
What more can be expected than the what she did. How was Old Uhurah better? If this is better… and you like her but you expected more… what did you expect?