Star Trek: Voyager 4x2 The Gift

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“I’ve got an Ocampan who wants to be something more and a Borg who’s afraid of becoming something less. Here’s to Vulcan stability.”

Oops got distracted, starting 8 minutes late…

Seven’s certainly not very happy

I appreciate the Doctor’s ethical quandary about treating Seven given her expressed wishes contrary to that treatment.

oh, Kes, super Kes.

oh, Tuvok, ever the teacher, ever wanting to guide.

Poor Seven, all of a sudden alone and without recognizing the community or friendship available on Voyager.

B’Elanna, don’t let your true feelings about Seven show, now.

Yup, definitely Super Kes

Seven’s negotiation of a sort with Janeway is interesting.

Liberty, freedom, justice

I did not get that. For me, they could have done anything with that character and it wouldn’t had mattered.

She’s leaving? Ok. Buh-Bye!

I was not sad to see her go. I don’t hate Kes, the way Chuck hates Kes. I just didn’t understand what was going on. All of a sudden she was Super Kes. shrug There was no indication that her people had these abilities or anything. It would have been better if there was some call back to the Caretaker or something.

No matter how you may feel about Kes (I’m feeling frustrated that the writers didn’t know what to do with her), Janeway’s farewell to her is touching

Although Star Trek scribe Ronald D. Moore was aware of the reasoning for the majority of Seven’s Borg appliances being removed, he did not approve of the decision to discard them. “Why can’t she look like a Borg? Why does she have to be this supermodel with a couple of pieces of tech on her head? It’s just silly. It just belies the whole function of bringing her aboard,” Moore commented. “If you’re gonna bring her aboard because she’s a Borg, that’s a threat and an odd thing. You want her to be in the face of the crew.”

Well obviously they brought her on for sexy-time possibilities. Which, I’m sure you’ll all recall from the Voyager thread, drives me crazy. And I quote (myself):

Seven of Nine… well her character is interesting so far, but really? the outfit? the boobies? They’re distracting from the character herself.

Having got a bit further into the season, I am really liking Seven’s character. I am also less distracted by her physical endowments - but that’s because the camera work has changed. In her first few episodes, there were a number of low angle shots, which emphasized her bust. However [ later ] the camera work is much more careful about framing her, so her bust isn’t so obviously front and center. Now this could change in later episodes, but it’s better now. Besides which she’s getting much more character development, which is always good

Awww Annika loved red.

Also, bye, Kes! Thanks for the push!

That’s it for me tonight - next week, we Voyage® on before the following week, when we get to DS9 Season 6!

It felt forced.

Frustrated doesn’t even cover it. Character development for Tuvok, Kes, Harry, and Chakotay was so haphazard. Seven takes over the show. The Doctor is the best written character. I like the Blanna and Paris dynamic that happens later. And I know I’m in the minority but I like Neelix.