Star Trek: Voyager 4x1 Scorpion Part II

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“I speak for the Borg.”

Great night tonight: Seven arrives! Kes leaves!

Aw. I wish I could stay awake for this one. :frowning:

Hello, Seven, speaking for the Borg!

Borg: weapon of mass destruction
Janeway: bad idea!

Aw, look at the Borg defending the nanoprobes

Uh oh!


or I should say, Seven

Interesting conceit, it’s not space - it’s matter

Ah yes there’s the Scorpion piece

notable is the fact that Seven of Nine is additionally described as “incisive, almost arrogant… and she speaks in a precise Borg-like manner,” “confident, demanding,” and is said to have an "inscrutable face.

I was noticing her posture

She is quite distracting. There was a huge stink about the unnecessary undressing scene in the latest Star Trek film. Seven was that for the series.

It’s not too difficult to believe that I literally would have to watch an episode of Voyager again because I totally missed what was happening while Seven was on the screen. Yep. I’m the “My eyes are up here” guy. I have no shame.

Here I was just noticing how straight her back is and her movement (like a drone) - the low angle shots that emphasize her bust come later, but then become less severe.

The catsuit is just outrageous. I say that and yet chicas are walking around with leggings-as-pants nowadays. The low angle shots are not as distracting as the follow-Seven-as-she-leaves shots.