Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
“Your request is inconsequential. You have what you need to save her yourself.”
Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
“Your request is inconsequential. You have what you need to save her yourself.”
And away we goo.
Things don’t generally go well when our heroes deal with other religious sites.
At least not without Kirk around to kill the mean old gods.
And Kes gets zapped! Whoops!
The Mayor! :eek:
I love Janeway being all analytical about religious ceremonies.
She’d never accept that sometimes, God just needs a starship. :rolleyes:
At least not at this point in the episode
I vaguely remember seeing this one before, but I’m hazy on the details.
Cool, Robert Duncan McNeill directed this episode.
Ritualistic societies? As if Starfleet weren’t ritualistic in its own way…
“[Janeway] is someone who has great faith in the ability of science to explain everything. This is kind of a reminder to her that there’s a lot of really weird stuff out there in the universe. It’s just a question of keeping an open mind and allowing herself to just accept some things without being able to actually pin it down, and scan it, and measure it, and explain it all in a nice little burst of technobabble.”
artist/scientist, games/problems. False dichotomies…
The gom jabbar! :eek:
The medical alert sound is like an adaptation of the red alert alarm
This is kind of like the 3rd challenge in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (the breath of God: Only in a leap from the lion’s head shall he prove his worth).
“I want to believe it’s possible”
And she has a profound spiritual awakening, which is never mentioned again.
I did remember this episode, and I quite like it still. But then again I tend to like the philosophical side of things in Star Trek.
Thanks for joining me, Badger! I hope this means that you’ve finally kicked the cold/sinus-yuck whatever that was!
As do I, although I wish these kinds of events had a more lasting effect on the characters. A bit of growth is never a bad thing.
Thanks for joining me, Badger!
I hope this means that you’ve finally kicked the cold/sinus-yuck whatever that was!
Yes, finally! Almost three weeks, start to finish. Blerg.