Star Trek: Voyager 3x6 Remember

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“So that’s it? We just go on our merry way and nobody ever has to take any kind of responsibility?”

So how many? 3? 2? 1 and a half?

And those were no essays graded. It’s going to be a long night…

Huh. I do not remember this one at all…

Ouch! :o


My own fault… poured another glass of wine and danced around the living room to a song I love. This is what happens when my partner’s away on business LOL

hehe, not remembering “Remember”

bow chikka wow wow…

Hmmmmm… Playing that insturment looked more like something else… ahem

algae puffs? Gross!

Janeway’s rocking the ivory pantsuit

Tuvok looks almost… festive.

I’ve got to say the mess hall is a hot mess of “future fashion”

Of course she takes it off…

Shades of Nazi Germany???

This episode was meant as a parable to the Holocaust

Ultimately, Brannon Braga was disappointed by this episode; he would have preferred that the episode had been done as an installment of TNG and felt that Schindler’s List as well as subsequent awareness of the Holocaust had taken the edge off this episode’s genocide-related story.

The producer commentary makes me want to smh… the Holocaust is not the only genocide ever in history, and just because the episode isn’t “Schindler’s List” doesn’t mean it can’t speak to human experience. Gah. The idea of coming to terms with terrible events is not new. The idea of remembrance and reconciliation and justice is not new. Grump.

Mass Genocide is not exclusive to Europe. So I can see why you may be angry about that article/comment…

Yeah on the grading pile starting tomorrow is an exam on one of those other mass genocide / abuse of human rights situations…

Still I think the episode was well done. And I do like that at the end the young Enaran gets the memories too.

Next week we have 2 DS9 episodes back to back :slight_smile: hurrah! See you then!

In fact thousands are dying in attempted exterminations in Africa and Asia as we speak, and most wish to turn a blind eye to it. And in terms of Star Trek, this certainly does not fit within Rodenberry’s Humanistic views…

There’s a reason I’m looking at how to integrate some science fiction pieces into my English-language Gen Ed courses… they really speak to these issues about humanity and the things we do to ourselves that are central to my field and my research. Depressing stuff but also really inspiring to see my students come to grips with the horror of the world and commit to do something to make it better.

Science Fiction has always been a good way to challenge peoples views/beliefs. See things from another perspective…

Good luck with your grading, and your students. Great discussion, see ya next week. (I hope) :slight_smile: