Star Trek: Voyager 3x23 Distant Origin

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Note how the female through the feigned antagonism encourages the male in his attempt to mate.”

I liked this one the last time I watched it…

the voth, oh the voth

“It’s our retelling of Galileo’s trial, in science fiction, Star Trek terms.”

consider the wider implications of your theory?

DOCTRINE. scary word.

I failed to anticipate the level of ignorance I would be facing.

hahahahaha welcome to academia/teaching

Of course, she’s not ignorant at all. She’s playing politics.

I like that they just assumed the humans were green. Nice touch.

So… willful ignorance! :stuck_out_tongue:

:slight_smile: Indeed it is

“molecular paleontologist”

Of course, extrapolating 65 million years of evolution? Seems legit. :rolleyes:


How would Chakotay know that? He wasn’t on Voyager when they determined that.


Such a great concept. I’m not sure it works here, though.

Nice speech, Chakotay

Stupid first minister.

Awwwww cute little secret Earth :stuck_out_tongue:

“Eppur si muove!” :rolleyes:

It’s nice to have a decent Voyager episode :slight_smile:

Thanks for joining me, Badger!