Star Trek: Voyager 3x20 Favorite Son

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Déjà vu.”

A Harry Kim episode!

Gee, if only this ultra-advanced spaceship had some system in place to prevent a single crewmember from taking over whenever he felt like it. :rolleyes:

One might think that it would have come up during the design phase

Wow, not only did that close the wound, but it also made the blood on his skin go away?

Look what you caused, Harry Kim!

Dreaming of your mother quoting your captain? Well, there are some serious mommy-issues.

I was thinking it was a pretty literal rendering of the metaphorical relationship

The script was somewhat ambiguous. Marvin V. Rush noted, "The story was a little unclear as to what we were trying to accomplish.

Well that’s never a good sign

This is another one I don’t really remember. Weird.

These outfits are very TOS.

They are! Also the hair.

Waaaait I remember that guy explaining we’re all born elsewhere etc etc

“It’s called ‘marriage’, but it’s usually one woman with one man.” :eyebrow:

Well that’s an old fashioned way to define marriage

Those evil Taresians! evil! abandon Harry! blah blah blah rumor blah blah

fake dna change! bwah!

Bird of Paradise! Scarrans! :eek:

(Have you watched Farscape?)

Um, a ribbon in your mouth isn’t going to stop you from talking, much less yelling.

And Harry cracks a woman over the head. Nice.

Dude should really moisturize more. :eek:

Ha yes I have - I finished right as it went off Instant Watch