Star Trek: Voyager 2x7 "Parturition"

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“I am a doctor… not a voyeur.”

Spooling up a few minutes late (oh, work).

Kes and Paris? C’mon they aren’t going to make Neelix jealous will they? oh wait there he is, silently watching. creeeeeeepy

Well at least Harry Kim doesn’t play the violin. That would be stereotypical

Seriously I am so over the Neelix jealousy crap

Meh, oh no! Paris has a thing for Kes! Terrible blah blah

ha. technobabble!

I’d kind of like to just knock their heads together to make them stop being jerks.

Aw! Baby Dinos!

And look, Neelix and Paris are getting past their weird conflict over Kes through “fatherhood.” ?!

Huh, Jonathan Frakes directed this episode.

Limp pasta in his lap? hahahahaha

Actually, that heart-to-heart was really good. And the baby dinos! They’re so cute!

And thus begins the bromance :stuck_out_tongue: