Star Trek: Voyager 2x6 "Twisted"

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“I’m a doctor, not a bartender!”

12 minutes to engaging :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this is the last of the season 1 produced, season 2 broadcast set of episodes

It’s funny how they all keep trying to impose Earth birthday customs for Kes

Ugh, Neelix’s ridiculous jealousy again.

You know they could do something original and address his jealousy. This is where Counselor Troi could step in and make Neelix interesting instead a two dimensional character.

I forgot about the Holodeck bar.

I think the “real” on in Marseilles showed up in the last episode too. Sandrine’s or something like that.

this episode makes Neelix sooooooooooooo unlikeable.

The wandering is amusing, though.

stretchy boxer briefs are much sexier

Prior to this episode’s initial airing, rumors circulated – largely based on convention comments from Robert Duncan McNeill and Robert Picardo – that this episode was so bad, it would never be aired. Prognosticators speculated for months leading up to the episode’s first broadcast. Some suggestions were that the installment was an incomprehensible script by supervising producer Brannon Braga, that the episode had been entirely rewritten by executive producer Michael Piller, that director Kim Friedman had been unable to understand the story, and that large portions of the episode had had to be rewritten and reshot. As a result, the episode ended up with a notorious reputation.

Pretty much says it all.

If Pillar can’t save a script, nothing can.

And more comfortable.


Michael Piller felt that this episode did some character damage that he would attempt to correct with the episode that ultimately aired next, “Parturition”. He recalled, “After ‘Twisted,’ I was terribly concerned about Neelix. I was afraid we were going to destroy this character if we made him the buffoon of the ship. If all he is is comic relief, we’re in trouble. The jealousy he was showing toward Kes was becoming irritating, so we wanted to put that to bed quickly.”

So it’s not like they didn’t notice

Michael Piller felt that this episode did some character damage that he would attempt to correct with the episode that ultimately aired next, “Parturition”. He recalled, “After ‘Twisted,’ I was terribly concerned about Neelix. I was afraid we were going to destroy this character if we made him the buffoon of the ship. If all he is is comic relief, we’re in trouble. The jealousy he was showing toward Kes was becoming irritating, so we wanted to put that to bed quickly.”

I guess a TV production schedule must be horrendous. How do these folks not pick this up before the script goes to stage?

giggle-hive-guffaw-mind. We quoted the same thing.

oh Tuvok, labyrinths are NOT logical. Haven’t you read Borges?

I would be remiss if I did not mention Mission Log to you, Cas.

It is OSSIM!! They are watching every Star Trek episode and going into some in depth discussion. They are only 11 episodes in. I absolutely love it. You should check it out. I think you’d enjoy it.

high five!

(also: it’s true)

I’ll need to watch this later just to see how bad it is.

Chakotay felt the need to lay out some e-peen