Star Trek: Voyager 2x25 Resolutions


I actually think it would have been a stronger story if they had played it as friendship instead of romance

The whole thing with Seska felt real. Every Chakotay romance afterward was utterly forced & ill-advised.

The duration of the events in this episode transpire over a period of approximately three months, making it one of the longest times the viewers spend with the characters in a single episode of Star Trek that does not involve flashbacks, time travel or resetting the timeline.

Are you sure, Memory Alpha?

Wasn’t ‘The Paradise Syndrome’ a bit longer? Kirk grew sideburns, got married, and knocked up Miramanee.

Actually, talos, it was 59.223 days. /Spock

This planet seems nice. Cute monkeys, deadly bugs, and plasma storms. Utopia!

Hey y’all! While on Memory-Alpha’s The Paradise Syndrome’s page, I saw a link for:

I have got to check that out. Thot you might also.

Denara Pel… the only good Vidiian

Yes, Chakotay, compare her to your mother. Chicks dig that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I almost called her the extraordinary, exceptional Vidiian… :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow! The Amazon reviews of this are horrible. “Strictly for fans of academic Political Correctness” “In Search of a Subject” giggle


oh look, a Vidiian ambush. what a surprise!

That’s even worse!

“You’re really exceptional… for a Vidiian.” :eek:


And Denara Pel is still the only Vidiian who doesn’t try to kill everyone she sees to steal their organs… oh, Voyager.

They’re just as the Great Bird of the Galaxy made them.

Actually, he was gone by this time. IGNORE ME!!

Gone… from Earth, at least. :cool:

Fun Treksday, friends. See you next week!

Good night, Casilda!

So glad you could join us, Talos. :slight_smile:

Sleep tight. Dream of obvious ambushing, unexceptional Vidiians.