Star Trek: Voyager 2x14 Alliances

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Holding an entire culture in virtual slavery is not the kind of thing that would go unnoticed.”

Since I appear to be “partying” on my own (woohoo chocolate and a Diet Coke…) I’m going to go ahead and start this one up.

Ugh. Kazon.

The Redshirt’s memorial service, nice job Chakotay

ah, how far does Starfleet work this far out in the black?

Seriously, Chakotay, after the last few episodes you’re OK trying to make a deal with the Kazon?! That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

Ugh. the Kazon. They’re just not that interesting to me at this point.

I appreciate that Janeway just shuts him down, because he’s an ass.

“Everything the Kazon had, they stole” so not a surprise

traitor! gross!

Culluh. What a jerkface.

It’s a TRAP!

“The principles and ideals of the Federation. As far as I’m concerned, those are the best allies we could ever have.”
Nice, Janeway.

Originally, Culluh was to die in this episode

OMG why not. WHY NOT!?!?

Tuvok mentions to Janeway in this episode the actions taken by Spock in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to unite the Klingon Empire and the Federation as an allegory to the possibilty of an alliance with the Kazon. It would later be revealed that Tuvok served as an Ensign aboard the USS Excelsior under Captain Sulu during that time period.
