Star Trek: Voyager 2x13 Prototype

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“I feel for the robots’ plight, but what you’re proposing is exactly the kind of tampering the Prime Directive prohibits. We know almost nothing about these creatures, or the race that built them. What would be the consequences of increasing their population, both to their own civilization and others in this quadrant? Who are we to swoop in, play god, and then continue on our way without the slightest consideration of the long-term effects of our actions?”

Woohoo I’m finally watching something the day it’s scheduled! I love this whole not being on a plane thing…

yes! exploration!

screw possible security risks…

all robotic.

B’Elanna’s singular focus on her work is a little too familiar for comfort…

so how did Automated Personnel Unit 3947 know to truncate “Lieutenant B’Elanna Torres of the Starship Voyager” to “Lieutenant B’Elana Torres.” I also wonder how the Universal Translator works with robots.

“extremely proficient humanoid” what a compliment! :cool:

oh, the Prime Directive.

Not being able to reproduce is part of their “genetic code,” eh?

“I feel for the robots”
Great line.

“I share your scientific curiosity and I admire your compassion, but the answer is no.”

oh, Janeway. Fighting with robots is generally not a good idea.

These Automated Units remind me a bit of Cybermen.

The mothering aspect of B’Elanna Torres’ relationship with Prototype Unit 0001 was evident to Roxann Dawson. She said, “So much of ‘Prototype’ was the only way B’Elanna could deal with her own mothering instincts and creation [instincts]. At this point in her development, probably the only way that she can confront her feelings and herself, is through the creation and adoption of a mechanical being, of a robot, and to be as excited about that as some people [are] about children or other kinds of creation.”

I like that this has technobabble but not too much. And also, that B’Elanna gets to shine because of her engineering skills.

More trivia:

This was the last Star Trek episode directed by Jonathan Frakes.

B’Elanna’s apology to 3947 is kind of sad.

But what a scientific achievement!

So the commentary says that the production people were disappointed in the actualization of the robots but I quite like this story.