Star Trek: Voyager 2x11 Maneuvers

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“When you are a Maquis, you don’t always have the luxury of following protocols.”

And away we go…

Time check? I actually remembered tonight! Eventually. :slight_smile:

We’re not out of Kazon space yet? Le sigh. :frowning:

The Kazon are just… not as good villains as they could have been.

They’re fine, for what they are. But against one of the most powerful starships in Star Fleet? Bah.

Oops sorry… I started right at 7 so I guess I’m about 15 minutes in? I got distracted by work drama…

weaponized Federation technology, yo!

Seska’s manipulations are so transparent

I don’t remember ever seeing a Kazon with facial hair before.

Floating debris?

“Not sure yet”?

Sensors not working, Harry? It’s OK, it happens to everyone occasionally. :stuck_out_tongue:

We might have been distracted by the dreadlocks

“You are only a woman!”

Oh, Seska. You’re better than this.

Seriously. I didn’t realize the actress was actually pregnant during this episode, too.

“I’m not a monster”
yes, you are.

Also wow on the judgment of the Kazon. I mean the Kazon are ridiculous but really, they’re “not as reasonable”? oooh problematic colonialism…

Wouldn’t they change the command codes when they realized where Chakotay was going?

If Janeway was really concerned about morale on the ship, they wouldn’t still be in the Delta Quadrant.

Drugs? You definitely don’t know who you’re dealing with.

He’s just communing with Acoochi-moya now. :slight_smile:

One would think so…

I liked this episode better the first time I watched it