Star Trek: Voyager 1x16 "Learning Curve"

Star Trek: Voyager
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Get the cheese to sickbay.”

Wow, we’ve already made it to the end of Voyager’s first season - go us!

Ah, Janeway playing at… Jane Eyre?

the two ship cultures clashing again

Janeway’s right that it’s important to explain why we do things the way we do. My classes have always gone better when my students understand why we do what we do.

those are some intransigent students

Thot, oh Thot! you’re missing Tuvok’s enforcement of dress code! channeling you…

See, Tuvok did some positive reinforcement there. These kids are super whiny…

I forgot about the biological aspect of Voyager’s structure.

I don’t recall if this is Tuvok’s version of the Kobayashi Maru, or if it’s just a battle simulation

“was less than successful. You are all dead.”
oh, Tuvok. You might have softened that last bit.

oh morale officer. forgot. meh.

Tuvok’s Cloud of Doom.™

stinky cheese is dangerous, yo!

There’s lots of team-work in this episode

old-school shaky cam!

the few for the many… resonances of Spock!

if foreign cheese can take out the ship? not a good sign… good thing Seska already ran away or the Kazon might have tried it

It’s nice to see Tuvok figure out how to relate better to the Maquis kids. Nevertheless…

Voyager’s team of writer/producers regretted the fact that this episode inadvertently proved to be the first season finale. Michael Piller noted, “It wasn’t our intention.”