Star Trek TV/Movie Favorite scenes

I happend to run across (by accident if you believe in that sort of thing) the final scene of the Star Trek: Enterprise series on YouTube today. That in turn led to the final scene of Star Trek: The Next Generation ‘All Good Things’ which led to a flood of memories of my favorite Star Trek scenes.

I remember Scottie with his Scotch ‘medicine’ bottle and Sulu racing down the passways shirtless and with samurai sword in TOS. And who can forget Kirk battling the Gorn planet-side that was made fun of in Galaxy Quest. I remember Kirk in the middle of the Genesis asteroid cave reliving both his personal and professional lives in Star Trek II. I remember Picard losing it in his family vineyard following the battle with the Borg in season 4 of The Next Generation and Picard playing his flute after experiencing The Inner Light. I remember the Enterprise sailing ship scene at the beginning of Star Trek Generations. I remember Worf playing baseball in Star Trek DS9 “Death to the opposition!.” I remember the Holodeck bar scenes and Captain Proton scenes in Star Trek Voyager. I remember Georgi and Riker taking off in the Pheonix with Dr. Zefram Cochrane. And I remember Sulu once again using his fold-a-sword on the drilling platform in Star Trek (2009). So many TV and movie screen memories spanning my entire life composed from 80 TOS episodes, 7 years of TNG, 7 years of Voyager, 7 years of DS9, 5 years of Enterprise and 11 feature films.

So in all that time, what are my ten favorite scenes/moments? I’m big into dramatic endings or wrap-ups so that’s where I tend to sway. In any event, here they are:

1 - Spocks death & funeral in Star Trek II
2 - The Enterprise-A flying into the sun at the end of Star Trek VI with the cast signatures
3 - Poker Card Game, “All Good Things” Star Trek The Next Generation
4 - Montage in Star Trek DS9 when regular cast leaves the station
5 - Wedding Scene in Star Trek Nemesis
6 - Kirk’s Death with Picard in Star Trek Generations
7 - Bar scene with Captain Pike and Kirk in Star Trek (2009)
8 - Capt Archer with Commader T’Pol at the pre-Federation conference at the end of Star Trek: Enterprise
9 - Lt. Reg Barclay makes contact with Star Trek Voyager
10 - Camping ‘Marshmelon’ scene in Star V with ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’

What are you favorites?

~Shooter Out

Big fan of Commodore Decker in The Doomsday Machine.

“There was. BUT NOT ANYMORE!”

“Don’t you think I know that?!”

Some favs in no particular order.

Kirk poignantly closing down the Enterprise for the last time as he prepares to join the crew on the spore planet, then the strength of emotion breaks the alien hold on him.

“Double dumbass on you!”/“nuclear wessels”

Generations crash sequence

Battle in the Mutara Nebula

TOS Fight against the Gorn in Arena.


Inner Light ending

These aren’t in any particular order:

Kirk: "Charlie, there are a million things in this universe you can have and there are a million things you can’t have. It’s no fun facing that, but that’s the way things are.
Charlie: “Then what am I going to do!?”
Kirk: “Hang on tight and survive. Everybody does.”

Picard to Data: “Sometimes it’s possible to do everything right and still lose. That is not a malfunction, Data. That is life.”

Kirk recited the “Holy Words” in The Omega Glory and then realizing they’re the preamble of the Constitution and then of course, he finishes 'em without looking at the page because he knows them by heart.

In “Darmok” Picard realizing that the Tamarians captain communicates in metaphor and Picard proceeds to tell the tale of Gilgamesh and the alien captain dies while Picard is telling the tale.

In “Measure of a Man” Picard successfully wins a trial that gives Data the right to have control over his own body (the most masterful…in my interpretation …metaphor showing that ALL people should have the right to control what they do with their own bodies.)

In “Nemesis” Transporters are down and Data jumps through space over to the Romulan ship.

In DS9 Pilot. Ben Sisko explains to the prophets what it’s like to live in linear time. And referring to the grief over the death of wife “No, it’s not linear”.

Kirk in a knock down drag out fight with academy days bully Finnegan

Kirk bluffing the First Federation enemy with his Corbimite trick. “Not chess, Bones. Poker!!”

Spock’s Death scene in Wrath of Khan

Kirk tricking Khan with his “pre-fix code” trick “Pre-pare to receive our transmission”.

Sulu in Star Trek III “Don’t call me tiny.”

Okay, sorry that’s 12 (but I could go on and on ) :smiley:

I enjoy the scene where…

-Picard falls unconscious and is caught by Riker and Troi at the beginning of “The Inner Light.” The acting is fantastic throughout the entire episode, but that point specifically is phenominal.

-Picard is stabbed through the heart at the end of “Second Chances,” where he looks at the Naussican blade and laughs.

-Spock’s, “I too, was moved… emotionally” to Commander Charvanek in “The Enterprise Incident.”

-Uhura’s, “Well the thing’s gotta have a tailpipe” followed by “Doctor, would you care to assist me in performing surgery on a torpedo?” “Fascinating.” exchange in Star Trek VI.

-The “You Are My Sunshine” duet with Seven of Nine and the Doctor.

-The scene in Star Trek IV where Spock is trying to figure out how to effectively use curses and swear words.

-Also in Star Trek IV where Chekov is asking random people if they know where the “Nuclear Wessels” are.

-Riker’s “Fire” from the battle with the Duras Sisters in Star Trek Generations.

-The scene where Data instigates a “Lover’s Quarrel” with Jenna DeSora in “In Theory”

-The scene when Bashir is a really old man from the episode where he’s attacked by the Lethean.

These would be on my list, too.

A few more (again, not necessarily a top ten, just scenes that have particularly moved me):

TNG, “Reunion,” when Worf admits to Alexander that he is his father. (Generally I love all Worf/Alexander scenes). I don’t want to get too heavy on Worf-Klingon awesomeness (though it’s awesome!), but I also love the moment in “Sins of the Father” when Worf accepts discommendation, but I think I love it because I know what’s coming in “Redemption.”

TNG, “Unification,” the Spock reveal at the end of part 1.

DS9, “Duet,” Kira’s realization of who Marritza actually is.

DS9, “Trials and Tribbleations,” Jadzia talking about how handsome Spock is!

DS9, “In the pale moonlight,” can I pick the whole episode? No? I think my favorite part is the end of Sisko’s log entry:

At oh-eight-hundred hours, station time… the Romulan Empire formally declared war against the Dominion. They’ve already struck fifteen bases along the Cardassian border. So, this is a huge victory for the good guys! This may even be the turning point of the entire war! There’s even a “Welcome to the Fight” party tonight in the wardroom!.. So… I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover up the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But most damning of all… I think I can live with it… And if I had to do it all over again… I would. Garak was right about one thing – a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it…Because I can live with it…I can live with it. Computer – erase that entire personal log.

Gives me chills every time!

VOY, “Barge of the Dead,” B’Elanna’s exchanges with her mother in hell

ENT, “In A Mirror, Darkly,” the reveal of Hoshi as the badass leader. Love it.

Ooh Star Trek Weddings :slight_smile: I love Worf and Jadzia’s.

I love the humor in Voyage Home. So much!

In no particular order

1 – Amok Time - Fight mostly, but that whole ep was good

2 – Best of Both Worlds Part I - “Mr. Worf…Fire!”

3 – The Battle to retake Deep Space Nine

4 – Saucer Section crash in Generations

5 – Spocks Death in wrath of Khan …just beautifully done

6 – Kirk dealing with Tribbles “I want them off the ship. I dont care if it takes every last man and woman to do it, I want them off the ship”

7 – The moment Spock in seen in Unification Part I. “indeed, Captain. You have found him.”

8 – Worf playing baseball “Death to the opposition!!”

9 – Battle at AR-557, that final battle with the music playing th ebackground was phenominal

10 – Balance of Terror “In a another reality…I might have called you friend.”

Most of these are my favorite moments because I tend to enjoy watching it over and over. So some of the best Trek moments that is tough to watch are not in here… such as DS9 Duet or Waltz… because i feel like a piece of my soul is lumped off after watching those.

  1. DS9 The Visitor - “For you, and for the boy that I was. He needs you more than you know. Don’t you see? We’re going to get a second… chance.” (bawling my eyes out)

  2. DS9 Rejoined - The kiss. It was very very powerful.

  3. Voyager Nemesis - when Chakotay realized his experience was a hoax and still couldn’t put aside his hatred.

  4. DS9 Treachery, Faith and the Great River - Whole episode really, from Nog telling O’brien to have faith in the river. To Odo tolerating being worshipped at the end because he wanted to bring peace to Weyoun.

  5. DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations - Dax finding Spock attractive. O’brien and Bashir messing with Worf.

  6. DS9 Far Beyond the Stars - When Benny was seeing his co-workers appearing as characters from his story.

  7. DS9 Civil Defense - Watching the smugness of Dukat wiped away because his own superiors didn’t trust him was classic.

  8. VOY Living Witness - When the EMH is activated in the future and faces trial on the bases on a modified version of history in the name of social stability. Chakotay’s giant tat was hilarious.

  9. VOY Real Life - When the EMH coudln’t bare to see his holographic family suffer and avoided the holosuite.

  10. DS9 The Quickening - When Bashir realized the Founders have designed the disease to resist being healed by modern methods, and he just killed all his patients.

i wish I could squeeze VOY Worst Case Scenario in there. I do love a good villain. Especially one that comes back to bite you on the butt even after she is dead.

Ah yes, Commodore Matt Decker. Father of Captain Will Decker from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

“They say there’s no devil, Jim. But there is. Right out of Hell I saw it!”

“They called me, they begged me for help. 400 of them!”

Powerful acting throughout the whole episode from William Windom as Commodore Will Decker. The Doomsday Machine was both a social commentary on Mutually Assured Destruction and the TOS version of the Borg from TNG. Decker’s sacrifice at the end was mirrored in The Motion Picture by his son, Matt.

Thanks for the sharing!

~Shooter out

Do you remember the hard-sided suitcase Kirk packed up in that episode? That definitely screamed 1960’s! And what’s with taking those unknown spore plants up to the ship without putting them in quarantine anyway?

Kirk: “You’re not exactly catching us at our best.”

Spock: “That much is certain.”

Shortly after Data fist pumps a “YES!” once the Duras sister’s Bird Of Prey is destroyed. I love that entire battle.

“Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik…the odds will be even.”

One of the most popular memorable episodes of TOS

“Shaka, when the walls fell”

My second favorite TNG episode after Yesterday’s Enterprise.

Holy Crap! I love that scene, that moment too. William Windom totally nailed it as the Captain drive half-mad by the death of his crew.

You can’t help feeling: What if that happened to Kirk? Decker stays with his ship-- last man to leave his ship as per ancient naval tradition. And…boom…his whole crew dies instead of him.
Amazing drama.

Also, Yesterday’s Enterprise. Definitely in my top 5 TNG favs.

Shooter, if you want to see more Doomsday device, you might be interested in the fan made Star Trek “In Harrm’s Way”.
(as I post this, the site appears to be down though )

Kirk dealing with classic teen angst. You get a sense of how he would have dealt with his real son Dr.(?) David Marcus in his teen years had Kirk known.

Speaking of that, it would have been nice for the makers of STII to have included a romatic interest of Kirk’s from the original TOS since they went through all the trouble to resurrect Khan & company, don’t you think? A timeline I once saw put TOS at 2266-2269 and STII at 2285. So David Marcus could have been up to 21 years old in STII and still have been from a woman character in TOS.

Also, that quote is very Picard-ish and not very Kirk-ish. Profound was Picard’s gig. Shirtless, womanizing, and winning battles was Kirk’s gig.

Great episode. Picard & the Enterprise-D versus Riker and the Hathaway in “Peak Performance” (If I remember correctly). In the end they all end up working together cementing their cohesiveness and Data wins the Chinese finger torture video strategy game by playing for a stalemate instead of trying to win.

“I didn’t recognize them because you said them so poorly.”

“They must apply to everyone or they mean nothing. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

“Shaka, when the walls fell.” I’m surprised given the three earlier federation encounters with this civilization that no one picked up on the metaphor bit. And if they did no-one decided to jot it down in their trip logs. I would bet most people remember this episode from TNG because of the inane dialogue.

Or, just as in The Omega Glory, that freedom applies to everyone or it means nothing. Also a key moment in Roddenberry’s Pinocchio becoming a legal real person.

Do you think Data and Geordi, when Data looked back at Geordi, knew it was the last time they would see each other alive?

Just another example of how pivotal events at Wolf 359 were to the entire Star Trek 'verse. Just as 9/11 or Pearl Harbor were to us. Sisko at DS9 would not have happened without Sisko letting go of the hatred and sorrow of his wife’s death.

Classic Kirk.

Didn’t Kirk meet up with a former girlfriend Ruth in this episode coutesy of “The Cartaker?” Ruth could have been an excellent Dr. Carol Marcus character in STII.

And speaking of “The Caretaker,” do you think it’s any relation to “The Caretaker” in ST Voyager?

Great episode. Chess was, of course, Spock’s idea. Kirk’s statement about poker is literally the turning point and when Kirk knows his plan and how to proceed.

Doesn’t The Navigator Lt Bailey remind you of Chris Pine’s version of Kirk. Weaker because he folds under pressure, but very similar before his breakdown.

Also, this is the episode with Ron Howard’s brother in it, isn’t it?

My #1 Star Trek memory. The two reaching their hands across the glass then slumping against it back to back after Spock’s death.

Kirk to Saavik: “You have to learn why things work on a Starship.”

Kirk to Khan: “Here it comes.” Wonderful sequence. Especially with Kirk wearing his glasses to read the console.

The only better Sulu quote in my opinon, Star Trek VI as Captain of the Excelsior racing to help the Enterprise: “THEN FLY HER APART!”

His head really goes limp in that scene. If Riker wasn’t there to catch him and cradle his neck I’m sure Patrick Steward would have had a serious neck injury. The Inner Light is my second favorite TNG episode behind Yesterday’s Enterprise. I don’t think I could pick one moment out of the episode specifically other than when Picard picks up the flute at the end and plays it. We get to see Picard experiencing a family and Picard gets to experience an entire culture (a true bonus for him). Given all that Picard goes through with Q, being made into Locutus, losing his real family, losing the family from The Inner Light and dealing with the serious heart health issue it’s amazing he is able to continue functioning as a human being much less Captain of the Federal Flag ship. Picard is truly a great man.

The joy of that scene is overwhelming. Picard gets to see what life would be like staying safe and he hates it. Riker hardly gives him a second look on the Enterprise even when Picard comes up to him for assistance. The moment Picard is stabbed in the heart is the moment he realizes not only does he get his original life back but how special that life is. What a great choice for a favorite Star Trek moment!

“The Enterprise Incident” - what a great episode. The “Vulcan Death Grip” make it’s appearance. Kirk running around as a surgically altered Romulan. A beautiful temptress Romulan Commander (a favorite of Sean’s I’m sure). Not to mention the heist of stealing the cloaking device. Scottie working “as fast as he can” and not knowing if “the circuits could handle the alien contraption.” McCoy fighting openly with Kirk even thorugh it was just an act. Perhaps a perfect Star Trek episode. And that scene you described with Spock and the commander VERY emotionally powerful indeed.

One of the best bridge scenes for TOS Star Trek crew. I love that entire movie but that space battle with the Shakespeare quoting is a favorite. The Excelsior and The Enterprise both taking it and dishing it out. And the line you quoted with Uhura proving she was more than just window dressing was amazing.

7 of 9 singing in harmony. I’ll be in my bunk!

This on top of coming back to life and being retrained in STIII. You have to wonder how much Leonard Nimoy thought the entire character was absurd. Needless to say, Spock in character trying to swear? Priceless.

Putting Star Trek IV in context helps too. Star Trek IV was made in 1986. Not exactly the height of the Cold War, but it was the height of the Reagan Cold War build up. A Russian accent asking where “nuclear wessels” were was downright treasonous then. Walter Koenig played it beautifully.

Just like the battle in Star Trek VI and the battle in Star Trek Insurrection, this was one of my favorite Enterprise space battle scenes. Data’s “Yes” & fist pump after the Duras sisters are blown up is definitely one of my favorite Star Trek moments too.

Jenna is so cute (I had a crush on her). And she is so devastated by Data at the end and all he does is delete the appropriate program. The cruelties of not being able to feel emotion or be human…

This episode, “Distant Voices,” is amazing. I think it’s pretty apropos they chose Bashir for this story due to his genetic engineering enhancements. I wonder what Alexander Siddig thought about this particular episode since he disagreed with his characters story in general. It’s interesting how all the other characters in DS9 represented some portion of Bashir during his coma dream. The tidbit about Bashir throwing the final medical exam is interesting. The make-up is done so well when Bashir is at his oldest that I can’t see any resemblance anymore. Also, I think there is a similarity between Bashir’s aging in this episode and David Bowman at the end of 2001, don’t you think?

All great moments! Thanks for sharing!

~Shooter Out

I prefer to think that the blonde lab technician that Kirk and Mitchell talk about in “Where No Man Has Gone Before” is Carol Marcus.

And as far as fave scenes go, it doesn’t top Kirk’s fall in Star Trek III when he learns that David is dead. And of course we get the epic “You Klingon Bastard, you’ve killed my son.” Kirk is hardcore for the rest of the movie and it’s awesome.

Edith Keeler’s death in “The City on the Edge of Forever”.

Bone’s line of "“I could have saved her…do you know what you just did?” lingered a long time with me (pun).

One scene that always sticks with me from DS9, is the end of the episode Rock and Shoals, especially the conversation between Sisko and Remata’Klan.

“Keevan doesn’t deserve the unwavering loyalty you’re giving him.”
“He does not have to earn my loyalty, Captain. He has had it from the moment I was conceived. I am a Jem’Hadar. He is a Vorta. It is the order of things.”
“Do you really want to give up your life for the ‘order of things’?”
“It is not my life to give up, Captain– and it never was.”

Pretty much sums up the entire Jem’Hadar right there. One of my favorite scenes in Star Trek.