Star Trek turns 45

Star Trek turns 45 today!

How did you celebrate?

I wore my TOS captain’s tunic and did a tumble roll while humming the TOS fight music.

Sorry. No video available.

I plan to greet everyone at work tonight with the Vulcan Salute. Instead of “Have a good day” I’ll say "live long and prosper. Also my ringtone is the TOS Fight Music.

I spent my day boldly going. :slight_smile:

ewwww :eek:

Bad Thai food last evening?

Not to be too specific but any Thai food for me is bad thai food (fish sauce hates me).

But to the spirit of the event… have an open mind and marvel in the world around us!

I scratched my head and wondered if it was really 5 years ago that was the 40th anniversary?

ummm…isn’t that a typical Sat. nite at the 'talos household ?? :smiley:

I’ll watch some S1 eps to celebrate, while sipping Earl grey from a Trek mug.



Look what did…

thats just OSSIM-sauce right there

In my personal, 100%-or-bust rewatch, I’m right on the “S” in “TOS”.

I got a loooooot to go :slight_smile:

Please share your thots. Start a thread in the Star Trek Forum.

Call it 5thHorseman re-watch or sumthin’. We’d love to hear it and chatter up some.

Ha Ha. I gave up on the tumble rolls a while ago, Talos. I’m the same age as Trek. :rolleyes:
Happy Birthday Star Trek! Here’s to 45 more.

I’m going to turn 40 at the end of this year. My goal is to live like my idol, William Shatner, and be able to still perform tumblerolls until I’m 80.

And yes, I have ridden a car TJ Hooker style.


If I make it, I will find a balcony, drink Scotch, and smoke a cigar with my best friend when I’m 70.


Well it looks like TNG gets the bluray treatment. From reading the article it seems that all the effects shots will have to be redone / re-rendered / made new. Looking forward to the sampler bluray disc they plan to release soon.

Is there a thread for selling kids started yet??? Just askin’…

Look what Tor did.

  1. The pacing and editing is fantastic and ahead of its time.
  2. The music.
  3. Bones slaps a pregnant (cat)woman in “Friday’s Child”
  4. Kirk’s “I won’t kill…today” speech from “A Taste of Armageddon” (Runner up: “No blah blah blah!” from “Miri”)
  5. William Campbell
  6. Improv comedy in “I, Mudd”
  7. Diana Muldaur
  8. Everything about “Space Seed”
  9. McCoy’s Guilt in “Operation: Annihilate!”
  10. It was fun.

My name is frakkintalos and I approve their list. Star Trek is fun.

Great list. I would include this one. I love the scene and the episode. Very “Voyage Home”.


Crap, now I need a Blu-Ray player AND this. Time to take out a loan…