Star Trek: The Next Generation 7x08 Attached

Tuesday, 25 October 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Isn’t it astonishing though how much clutter there is in the consciousness?”

Watch online at Netflix or Amazon.

Kes? No, you definitely don’t want to get involved with Kes. :slight_smile:

“That analogy is not exactly…”

Yeah, you can’t worry about the Aussies are doing. :rolleyes:

Oops, forgot about the time. I’ll catch up shortly

Ah, obsession with security and privacy

Yeah, these folks are definitely ready to join the Federation. :eyebrow:

AFAIK, this is the only time Beverly ever appears to have a fear of heights.

ETA: I stand corrected.

[li]Crusher’s fear of heights was also mentioned in “Chain of Command, Part I”.

Yeah I don’t recall anything else.

Clutter in the consciousness, lol

Her grandmother made her soup? In between having sex with a ghost, I’d assume. :slight_smile:

quite compelling, indeed, Jean-Luc

oh dear oh dear… love triangle. that everyone had seen except them

mmm, coffee and croissant.

No, it’s too late. But tempting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not much of a triangle since Jack died.

“…I didn’t have those feelings anymore.”


It’s a shame the Enterprise doesn’t have any sensors that could detect human life.

Oh wait. :rolleyes:

What is Beverley wearing? Oh my.

“What about when he’s awake?”

PWIHB! :eek:

A bit of a pensive episode, no?

this may be of interest

This is the first of two episodes in the last season of Star Trek: The Next Generation (the other is “Bloodlines”) to be written by Nicholas Sagan, son of the famous astronomer Carl Sagan (author of Contact) and subsequently a writer for Star Trek: Voyager.

Ye gods, the back is even worse! :eek:

It’s like something I would have picked out as a 4 year old. Is that really just a piece of silver cloth wrapped unattractively around her in berry colored tights and a waffleshirt? ugh. At least her hair isn’t horrendous.