Star Trek: The Next Generation 5x13 The Masterpiece Society

I especially love “A Matter of Time”

And she’s probably destroyed just as many starships as he did, if not more.

That was a nice switch. Engineering asking the bridge for more power.

I see it as oppression when the state/hierarchy interferes and tells an expectant mother that she must or must not carry a pregnancy to term. That’s not to say that prenatal testing hasn’t raised questions about the appropriate responses for parents facing certain results, but my mind doesn’t jump to that - it jumps to extreme authoritarian population control (One Child Policy, and the aforementioned sterilizations).

Oh no! Inadequate engineering!

I think I’m okay with that.

El Mundo Al Revés!

And oh snap Geordi, call her out!

“Mind if I give her a “hand” Commander, IYKWIM?”

It seems bizzare that Troi is arguing FOR leaving behind people who want to be freed

Geordi vs Troi…

so a) the need of the many outweigh the needs of the few (no asylum) versus b) humans have a right to determine their own destiny. hmmm

A “relationship”? Hot damn, only in 5 days!?

so mechanical, Picard: “what’s your status with him now?”

“If you were that horny Deanna, we do have holodecks. Ask Geordi.”

I don’t really see that as relevant to episode itself, at least until now. No one there believed they were oppressed until a different kind of society made itself known to them. Doing the kind of work I do, of course, I’m quick to notice the implication of eliminating “imperfect” people before they have a chance to burden society. :frowning:

Aside from the genetic engineering standpoint - this is pretty interesting if one thinks about isolationist groups here on Earth.

“every genetic fiber” do we have any non-genetic fibers?

My shirt is made up of non genetic fibers :stuck_out_tongue:

your shirt is your being? :cool:

Hey, he’s genetically engineered. Khan inspired Marla McGivers to throw away her life for him over the course of hours. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a reference to ancient technology known as “Facebook”. :smiley:


It was pretty expensive, believe me.

I think it depends on what it says on it. :slight_smile:

LOL! That way of thinking of subjectivity could make an interesting footnote in my dissertation :stuck_out_tongue: