So, what happened to the pod? Did it go back in time or forward? Do they find it in New Jersey?
Damn. How did Steve Jobbs fool Picard, while this guy didn’t?
Best line of the episode. I like when Data doesn’t take no craaap.
He’d make a good nemesis. They shoulda brought him back.
Nope, just the Enterprise, policing the entire galaxy.
Kevin Uxbridge and Q would say yes.
Yeah, that may have been the intention, but it really came off more like Picard was asking him to breech his ethics.
Dunno, maybe it “returns to base” or something. Back to the future. Hoverboards and all.
Maybe. He was a bit of a putz.
Clearly, Steve Jobs has been to New Jersey. And constant exposure to future tech has caused all his health problems, even as it made him fantastically wealthy. There’s a reason that all of our gadgets resemble things from Star Trek.
Because they ARE from Star Trek. :eek:
toke Whoa, man. You are so right. toke
That just makes me love him more.
What would James T Kirk Do?
Cut to scene in captain’s ready room (but Kirk doesn’t have a ready room, so captain’s quarters.)
Kirk is making the speech
“Yes, yes, I know the argument. What if a child lives and grows up to be Adolph Hitler, or Khan Singh or …”
Rassmusen "Uh…yes Captain…You just stopped talking in mid sentence.
Kirk “What? Oh yes…it’s …I’m just reminded of Khan…damn, …I forget to check on Khan see how he’s doing. Excuse me.
Kirk to Bridge, Mr. Sulu set course for Ceti Alpha V, warp 8. Damn, I should have done this a while ago.”
“Oh, Mr. Spock. Mind meld with this time traveller and see if he’s legit. If he’s not, throw him in the brig.”
Cut it. Print it.
Oh. My Crom. You’re RIGHT!!!
Much less yelling, much faster results.
And thereby ruining Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan.
Which, of course, explains why the ship in Enterprise appeared more advanced than the one in TOS. It’s based on 24th century technology. Which could only mean…
…that when Next Gen rolls around again, the ships will be based on the equivalent of 28th century tech. :eek:
I think I hurt my brain.
What do you mean “ruin”? It’s been erased from history now, thanks to Spock deciding not “fix” the timeline after Nero’s interference. It’ll never happen now. :eek:
It better not happen. If Abrams does a Khan movie, Talos will go ballistic.
'talos sharpens the lirpa