Star Trek: The Next Generation 5x07 Unification I

You mean the Bat’leth is more powerful than the Sword and the Pen…and I suppose the sword-pen

I love cranky Picard. :stuck_out_tongue:

In case you’re wondering who is playing B’iJik:

So wait, if they’ve been hailing Gowron for three days…maybe he just doesn’t like you anymore.

I was just wondering if that was who that was!!

“…and then, they would have our gratitude.” :eek:


I want a t-shirt with Gowron on it.

We got A LOT of that in the first season…

…and damn he’s pulling out the “Arbitor of Succession” card!

Umm…Hey Topgun. How often does Lady D say things like “Horse Hockey”?
I’m feeling a need to make fun of her for that?

We didn’t they just tweet Gowron, or friend him on Facebook?
Geez, Picard is so out of touch with social networking.

lol…i’m suprised Picard didn’t give a dirty look about the hairpiece comment.

sorry, I had a Col. Potter moment. it happens to us children of the 70s

Or maybe he’s on …SPACEbook…!


sorry. :rolleyes:

Picard “I haven’t had gaah in a while. Very fresh”.
Yeah, fresh cuz it’s LIVE you idiot!!!

“It might not be what you’re used to…squishy human.”

Klim Dokachin is a great character. This has Michael Piller all over it.

**snort ** Okay. Good answer.:smiley:

Should’ve sent Riker, he knew that.

“Counselor, this feels like a perfect job for you.”

Ooooooo, that’s what she does.

Sometimes a pun is so bad that it’s good. So I’m gonna wave that one in for a landing.