Star Trek Question

So I have recently watched the new Star Trek and liked it a great deal and was wondering if the Start Trek (whatever one it is) with Kirk and Spock is worth watching? Also is it bad to want to watch the series after seeing this movie? I am afraid that I may not like it nearly as much as the movie or feel that the two do not go together well. Anyone able to tell me what’s up?

Hello there! And welcome to the forum.

So you’ve seen the 2009 Movie Star Trek, but you’ve never seen the original 1960s TV series Star Trek?
Well, of course I’d say yes watch it. But there’s no way I can’t be objective about it. Cuz I grew up watching the original Star Trek series, and it’s my first love.

I’m curious. Have you seen other Star Trek? Like Next Generation? Or any of the other movies?

Star Trek is definitely worth watching if you liked the movie.

CBS has all of the episodes streaming on their website:

Someone with more Original Series Trek knowlage then me can give you advice on which specific episodes to watch, but you can always start with the first one, “The Man Trap”.

PS. This thread will probably be moved to the Star Trek section.

Welcome aboard, Jhoinsmath. Interesting question. I would say yes, go for it. You just have to remember that it was filmed in the sixties, so the show had a budget that would barely cover a modern production’s Craft Services (catering) bill. Effects are pretty rudimentary, sets tend to look like sets, etc. Some people can’t get past that, but if you can it’s a pretty fun show.

absolutely yes!! See it!

Welcome indeed. As with any series, you’ll hit some great episodes and some clunkers. Try City on the Edge of Forever, The Changeling, The Doomsday Machine, or Where No Man Has Gone Before, to name a few of my favorites. And watch Space Seed, and then get the theatrical Trek 2, Wrath of Khan for a cool double threat. Enjoy!

Welcome, Jhoinsmath. Gives us an idea of what movies / genres you like. There is a Star Trek episode for everything.