Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 6x5 Favor the Bold

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Odo is a changeling - bringing him home, returning him to the Great Link means more to us than the Alpha Quadrant itself. Is that clear?”

I’m excited to be back for Star Trek Tuesday! Woohoo!

Worf and Dax, adorable

retake deep space nine! boom!

the female changeling. ugh.

the solids concepts of time? uh, duh, he lives among the solids.

I’m still totally on S American time, though. late to everything…

Weyoun, so slippery, as always. Ugh.

But he’s trying to understand art, that’s kind of adorable.

“my people lack a sense of aesthetics”

Rom is the least Ferengi-like Ferengi out there.

Ugh, Dukat.

And now it’s my turn to say… ugh, Damar.

The conspirators that will keep conspiring :slight_smile:

Poor Ziyal. And here goes Kira kicking Damar’s ass

Sisko’s affection for Bajor is touching

“but when I go home, it will be to Bajor”


Ensign Nog. It works for the character but the name is still funny.

It’s interesting that Dukat assumes that Damar threatened Ziyal in some way for Kira to hurt him like that.

The differing perspectives between Weyoun and the female changeling on the importance of Odo is interesting.

And there’s the episode title… to be continued! dun dun!