Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 6x3 Sons and Daughters

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“I will teach you what you need to know to be a warrior, and you will teach me what I need to know to be a father.”

no more songs, no more honor, no more Empire


Oh, man, the Worf and Alexander times! He’s not as adorable as he was in TNG but still WORF AND HIS BEING BAD AT BEING A DAD BIT

meanwhile, back on the station…

Jake as a resistance cell member! Adorbs!

I appreciate Martok calling Worf out on his awkwardness with his son

on complaints about Alexander’s aging:

the producers wanted an older character so that Worf didn’t seem too harsh. If the actor was very young, Worf could be seen as abusive, but with an older character, Worf’s parenting becomes, at worst, harsh

It is so heartbreaking to see Ziyal knowing what happens

“the busy life of an interstellar despot”
Nice, Kira

Worf, oh Worf, you misread your son.

There, however, you read him better.

Oh Ziyal.

Alexander of the House of Martok!