Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 5x21 Soldiers of the Empire

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“It is clear to me that none of you are worthy of my blood or my life, but I will stand for you.”

Klingons! Yes!

I’m here. Updating firmware, so I’ll join in a bit.

I’ll pause at the end of the title credits. Let me know when you get there :slight_smile:

Why would you put carpet in a sickbay? That’s just silly.

That’s what I said when I moved out west and half of the apartments I looked at had carpeted kitchens.

Kitchens? That’s… madness.

OK, I’m there. Thanks for waiting.

No worries :slight_smile:

“He gave me his warrior’s heart.”

So, they’re dating now? ツ

the Klingons are as diverse a people as any


Or maybe it just got replicated… Worf is part Martok? Martok has lost part of his heart? Oh, metaphors…

This moment with Dax and Tavana is fun

Klingon singing!

The Warrior’s Anthem first heard in the CD-ROM adventure Star Trek: Klingon enters Star Trek canon in this episode. Of the scene when the Rotarran crew break into song, assistant director B.C. Cameron said, “Everybody sang. All the background players, the extras, the crew. We had big cards with these Klingonese words written on them for the actors to read. For days, that’s all you’d hear on stage: people singing this battle song.”

I love Klingon episodes!

Leskit’s ridiculous.

Pepto-Bismol everywhere! :eek:

There’s a whole kingdom of the blind thing going on here.

RDM wrote the episode…
(LeVar Burton directed)

And now we get the huge singing song moment, yay!

I really appreciate the relationship Martok and Worf have developed, especially since Worf is so super Klingon but had to figure a lot out himself, and now he gets welcomed into Martok’s house as a warrior and brother, adorable!