Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4x9 The Sword of Kahless

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Nothing. Lots of people die, and nobody makes any profit.”

Baltar! :smiley:

I love Klingon episodes :slight_smile:

“Ah, Worf. The traitor. The pariah. The lowest of the low. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” :smiley:

Any enemy of Gowron and the High Council is a friend of mine.


“Open your mind.”

You are what you do, Mr. Quaid. :rolleyes:

Fourteen hundred years ago? Klingons were killing gods while humans were still burning witches. :eyebrow:

“Kang and Koloth were flesh and blood again!”

GOLEMS! :eek:

“Try reversing the polarity.”
“That helped.”

It always does. :slight_smile:

We’re very primitive.

RANSACKED!? oh the humani… yeah I dunno

Cue the angel choirs!

Did Dax take stupid pills today? She hasn’t been able to do anything without Worf’s help. :eyebrow:

Oh, the Klingonity! :eek:

the klingon grail… don’t cross the seal LOL wait wrong series

I like it :slight_smile:


Worf chose… wisely.

Red blood? Bah. Everyone knows Klingons are full of Pepto-Bismol. :rolleyes:

Don’t get ahead of yourself… :stuck_out_tongue:

A Lethian?

Probably related to Lethe, the river of forgetfulness in the Greek underworld.

a true warrior…

here he goes again

Poor Worf, always an outsider.

And his response is to be more Klingon than the Klingons