Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4x5 "Indiscretion"

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Smuggling might not’ve been the safest line of work, but it was a lot more exciting than selling scrap metal.”

We haven’t had much Kira screentime lately

the season 4 and onward title sequence does look nice and snappy

After “The Way of the Warrior”, this episode provides more details of the political changes on Cardassia Prime. Once the Obsidian Order was destroyed (in “The Die is Cast”), the Cardassian Dissident Movement (first seen in “Profit and Loss”, and again in “Second Skin”) were able to wrest control from the military (i.e. Cardassian Central Command), and at the time this episode takes place, a new civilian government has been established.

… for now.

cool, LeVar Burton directed this one

Benjamin! stop being commitment-phobic!


“bajoran tempered with cardassian steel”
wow, Dukat.

Ben, Kassidy reads you like a book.

ugh Quark just totally negated the idea that “women” fit in the category “ferengi.” jerk.

We’re about to get some character development from Dukat.

Huh, Dukat can quote the Kais talking about Bajoran cosmology of the soul!?

he does have a heart, after all

the thorn in Dukat’s ass! bwahahaha

oh, Dukat, Kira is not going to let you kill Ziyal.

Fascinating to see how we don’t learn much about Dukat’s wife and seven children.

Jake’s so not subtle when trying to get his dad to run his love life better

and we finally meet the Breen!

It’s somewhat odd to see Dukat and Kira working together on a rescue plan

And now we have the humanization of Dukat. So sweet with his daughter.

And now Ben gets his crap together

I like Kassidy - she’ll worry about herself, kthxbai!

An all DS9 Treksday is an excellent Treksday :slight_smile: