Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x24 "Shakaar"

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“It is one of my observations that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice, is that sometimes they make the wrong choice.”

Woohoo DS9!

O’Brien and darts. Just say no. LOL

Kira’s expression is awesome.

Advertisement for the separation of church and state, right!?

Yeah definitely confirmed: DS9 has the best theme song! :wink: and there’s no one else to contradict me, so it MUST be true!

Personal aspect? oh is there.

But she’s also a terrible political leader

“the only thing she cares about is her own power. Why can’t people see that?”

hand over their freedom to someone like Winn.

and the money quote, from odo: It is one of my observations that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice, is that sometimes they make the wrong choice.

this is such an interesting exchange between Winn and Kira

silver tongued kai she is

Louise Fletcher’s delivery here is fabulous

Quark is so amusing with his cultivation of O’Brien.

“an epic streak”
little did we know that Quark was so 2010’s (what do we call our current decade?)

the old war buddies back in the saddle again… oh wait not yet. almost.

Kira’s much more a fighter than a diplomat

And we have the seeds planted for the next man on Nerys’s men-in-power-as-lover project

Kai Winn’s difficult relationship with the Emissary. oh, yes.

Sisko, love the posture.

And now, for adventure times in the mountains!

And now we get some actual relationship development among the Bajorans. Let’s note that Kai Winn isn’t around.

They would all be saved a lot of suffering if they revealed the truth of Kai Winn’s overreactions to the public, say, NOW.

well maybe next week someone else will join me… for the stirring conclusion of DS9 season 3 :wink: