Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x22 "Explorers"

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“It’s almost like being on the deck of an old sailing ship. Except the stars are not just up in the sky; they’re all around us.”

oooh this is a good one. Ben and Jake time!
(plus I feel like we haven’t seen Jake in aaaaaaaaages)

Hey! Leeta! It’s Leeta!

Julian’s so flirty. And Jadzia’s interruption is so… timely.

Enter the goatee… or whatever term we use for this kind of facial hair

In this ancient library thing - I am Sisko, my partner is Jake. LOL.

“I wonder if a ship like that could really fly?”
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m going to build one.”

This is Star Trek. The end.

so… is Sisko going to join the Starfleet version of the SCA?

“why? because it will be fun!”
I like Sisko.

This reminds me of now I can’t remember the name but the person who was trying to prove that people from Polynesia could have taken ships all the way to the western coast of South America.

Jake, spend time with your father.

Ha turns out I wasn’t the only one thinking that way:

The lightship (and the basic plot of the episode itself) was inspired by the voyage of the Kon-Tiki, a deliberately primitive sailing craft that Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl used to sail from Peru to Tahiti in 1947, substantiating his belief that it was possible that a Pre-Columbian South American civilization could have settled Polynesia by making a trans-oceanic voyage.

Though I guess it was the other direction? Either way…

aw, parent child bonding time! incoming!

hahahaha Dukat. oh, Dukat.

pretty ship!

well father and son have similarly bizarre tastes in fabric patterns

I like how they talk about the silence and the stars, and there is no incidental music in the background :slight_smile:

bashir + competition + a woman = awkward!

“don’t think about it, just do it”
I am disappointed by the lack of quotes in Memory Alpha from this episode.

phew and I’m back! Silly Netflix going wacko for about 5 minutes…

The lack of symmetry in the ship now makes me sad.

LOL O’Brien and Bashir! Drunk! Singing!