Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 2x19 Blood Oath

Tuesday, 7 February 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“May Kahless guide us on this day of vengeance!”

Watch online at Amazon or Netflix.

Totally blows me away that for this episode they got the original three actors that were in Star Trek TOS for Kang, Koloth and Kor-- Star Trek’s most iconic Klingon characters.

Michael Ansara as Kang, William Campbell as Koloth and John Colicos as Kor

And let’s geek out even further. William Campbell played Trelane in Star Trek TOS “Squire of Gothos” and “John Colicos” played Baltar in Battlestar Galactica TOS.

Here we go!

Klingon holosuite battles! woot!

(Odo and Quark are funny)

Woot! It’s BALTAR!!!

I am Kolof!

(and I now have a ridged forehead! Do not ask :p)

So these specific three Klingons had the human faces in TOS, and now they have the bony foreheads? How do we figure that?

Sorry I’m late. Meetup podcast went long. Time check?

Oh, you young young thing, Cas. It’s Koloth, not Kolof. He was an iconic Klingon before the idea of Picard or Sisko even existed. :slight_smile:

“It’s been a Klingon afternoon.”

Afternoon delight? :slight_smile:

7 minutes.

phst I’ve had a lot of cold medicine tonight. at least I noticed the forehead change :wink:

What’s a keevon?

Here’s younger Koloth

Is that peptide cake? Yum! :stuck_out_tongue:

81 years? not a small time, that.
aw beloved friend

Aging is rough.

And here’s younger Kor.

Looks like tofu

Sorry you’re not feeling well. Seems like everyone is sick lately

[li]When Michael Ansara asked why the Klingons now looked different, he was told “Klingons live to be very, very old and that’s a natural physical metamorphosis”. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion) The Star Trek: Enterprise episodes “Affliction” and “Divergence” ultimately explained why Kang, Koloth, and Kor have ridges here.